Sunday 19 July 2009

10 days to go

Wow! Where have the last ten days gone? In fact it's been brilliant but incredibly busy as we've taken the opportunity to spend time with family and friends, including visits to Leamington Spa last Saturday and to the Yorkshire Show on Wednesday. This round of farewells had started a month ago with a family picnic in York for friends from far and wide and continued with a lovely weekend with Ali's family two weeks ago.

It was the boys last week at school, including Matthew spending two nights on stage in a Yr6 production of Twelfth Night. Though the heavens opened on Friday, the last day at school was still fun with a Leavers' Assembly and limousine waiting for them at the end of the day. Josh's class presented him with a lovely book of best wishes from his classmates.

Preparations for leaving the house and settling in to Christchurch are moving on. The only big thing that we haven't done here yet is sell Ali's car. Any offers?

We all went skiing at Xscape in Castleford yesterday. We were using up our Tesco vouchers! It was good preparation for going into a southern hemisphere winter.

The last week has shown us what fantastic family and friends we have and we will miss you all dearly. But once we've mastered the mysteries of Skype, etc there's no excuse not to keep in touch. Relationships will evolve not end.

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