Monday 10 August 2009

Back to work

OK, the fun had to come to an end, so I started work today. The commute is a bit tiring (not) as it takes at least three minutes to walk across the park to the office from our hotel. I was made to feel very welcome, but it was a busy day filling in forms, meeting people and even getting started on a couple of projects. I didn't have time to explore the swimming pool in the office basement!

After skiing on Friday, we had a more local weekend, visiting the beaches at New Brighton (Saturday) and Sumner (Sunday). It was chilly on Saturday, but very pleasant yesterday, so we sat on the beach and had fish and chips for lunch. Matthew even managed a paddle in the Pacific!

We tried our hand at 'sand art' at New Brighton, viewing our efforts from the pier. Our effort doesn't compare to the work of famous local artist Peter Donnelly ( whose work was featured on Billy Connolly's tour of NZ

The boys are visiting their new school tomorrow. Hopefully they'll be able to start in a week or so.

If anyone wants to Skype us, then for the next week we will only be online from 9am - 11am UK time due to the cost of internet access in the hotel.

Bye for now.

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